Vezzini say 'Go back to the beginning.'
Wait, Lucy! I can 'splain!
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Other places we can tell you to go
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Tadcaster Members

Declan Gobha

FENCING in the SCA since:

DESCRIPTION of Militia Duties:
TBOT -- If you have to ask... then you clearly aren't a Tadcaster, and Declan isn't your TBOT.

PIRATE NAME/other personas

OFFICES, other affiliations:
Bearer of The Honor Of Tadcaster
Baronial Herald, Iron Bog
Deputy Rapier Marshal, Iron Bog
Companion of the Sable Martlet, Iron Bog
Cadet of Don Ian Raven of Tadcaster
Award of Arms

REAL WORLD INFO, family, work, etc.:
"I'm a little TBOT, short and stout..."

REAL WORLD INFO, family, work, etc.: