Lady Violet Coleson |
Scholar |
Enforcer, Outside Voice |
"Violent" Violet |
Somewhere between 3 and 10 years ago. The rcords are unclear on this point.
Enforcer -- Look. I know you thought what you just did was a good idea, but you're mistaken. Do you feel that pain? The one in your arm where the muscle used to be? That's Violet telling you "you were wrong." So use this as a learning experience, and maybe she won't have to 'enforce' you further.
Were you even reading up above, there? I don't hink you were, because if you were reading, you'd already know why Vi's pirate name is what it is. Honestly, some people...
Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent
Companion of the Salamander (Bhakail)
Massacre Pursuivant (Herald), Shire of Hartshorn-dale
Cadet of Don Thomas delbroc
Vi is notable for several reasons, among them that she successfully made Daffydd laugh. Really laugh. We're not talking chuckles or snickers, we're talking full-on broken laughing.